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 1. David Lemberg  Dr. Peter Myers, Founder and CEO, Environmental Health Sciences, 5-3-07  SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 
 2. Margaret Humphreys, M.D., Ph.D.  History of the Health Sciences Lecture Series - Intensely Human: The Health of Black Soldiers in the American Civil War  University of Virginia 
 3. Summer Hanson  Global Teaching and Learning in the Health Sciences  HSLC Lecture Capture 
 4. Dr. Edward Lichten and Steve Peck  Environmental Toxins and Your Health  Hormone Replacement Therapy - Live Long, Stay Healthy 
 5. Professor Patrick Sexton - The Evolving Complexity of Family B G Protein-coupled Receptor Function  Dean’s Public Lectures 2007 Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  The Evolving Complexity of Family B G Protein-coupled Receptor Function 
 6. Professor Elizabeth Blackburn - Telomeres and telomerase in human health and disease  Dean's Public Lectures 2007 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  Telomeres and telomerase in human health and disease 
 7. Rod Andrew Oration 2007, Dr Norman Swan - Survival of the Fittest,Survival of the Thinnest or Survival of the Richest? What role for doctors in longevity?  Dean's Public Lectures 2007 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  Survival of the Fittest, Survival of the Thinnest or Survival of the Richest? What role for doctors in longevity? 
 8. Professor Mark Oakley Browne - In a lifetime: A review of the New Zealand Mental Health Survey and World Mental Health Survey initiative estimates of the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and he  Dean's Public Lectures 2007 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  In a lifetime: A review of the New Zealand Mental Health Survey and World Mental Health Survey initiative estimates of the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and health service use 
 9. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Environmental activist Bill McKibben, co-founder of the group 350.org Outcome of Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Produced by Melinda Tuhus   
 10. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Environmental activist Bill McKibben, co-founder of the group 350.org Outcome of Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Produced by Melinda Tuhus   
 11. John Peterson Myers, Ph.D.  An Environmental Health Science Revolution: New Opportunities to Prevent Disease  Medical Center Hour 
 12. ZDNet - David Berlind  ActiveGrid founder Peter Yared  IT Matter Volume II 
 13. WNRN's Sunday Morning Wake-Up Call  Mental health is the topic of this week's Sunday Morning Wake-Up Call on WNRN. Paul Patrick, the founder of On Our Own, and Frank Blankenship of MindFreedom International, bot  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 14. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Russell Mokhiber, Editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter and Founder of Single Payer Action U.S. Health Care Debate Producer: Scott Harris   
 15. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Media Coverage of U.S. Health Care Reform Debate Peter Hart, director of activism, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Producer: Scott Harris   
 16. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Media Coverage of U.S. Health Care Reform Debate Peter Hart, director of activism, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Producer: Scott Harris   
 17. Dr. Fred Rottnek  Health care weekend - Patriotism, public health and health care  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 18. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY  Health Care Reform and Universal Health Insurance - Dr. Pauline Rosenau  SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 
 19. healthempowerment  Health Empowerment Episode 6 - Omira Health and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  Health Empowerment with Croft Woodruff 
 20. Robert A Peterson, JD  A New Health Benefits Counseling Approach: Developing an Electronic Health Care Coverage Plan and Record  IME Video Library - UW-Madison 
 21. John Goodman  Shopping for Health Care - NABE Health Economics Roundtable 4/11/06  NABE Podcasts 
 22. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Health Care Reform Debate Dr. Paris, Psychiatrist and member of Physicians for a National Health Program Producer: Scott Harris   
 23. Sister Carol Keehan, DC  May 16, 2008 featuring Sister Carol Keehan, DC, President & CEO, Catholic Health Association of the United States, Health Care Reform That's Worthy of the American People  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 24. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Dr. Andrew Coates, Physicians for a National Health Program Democrats Plan to Pass Health Care Reform Legislation Produced by Scott Harris   
 25. Hans Hafner  How Are Dzcarr Sciences?  Manufacturers Demos 
 26. Yves Gingras  Parlons sciences  publications-universitaires.qc.ca 
 27. Hans Hafner  How Are Dzcarr Sciences?  Manufacturers Demos 
 28. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Special Massachusetts Senate Election, and Health Care Debate Dr. Rachel Nardin, Chief, Division of Neurology, Cambridge Health Alliance; Chapter President PNHP   
 29. P.Z. Myers  PZ Myers  Skeptically Speaking 
 30. Final panel with Terry Morrison, Francis Collins, Jim Bradley, Catherine Crouch  Natural Sciences and Mathematics Track  FC08 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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